51 Excelsa Circuit, RURAL VIEW QLD 4740

Sold $170,000

Build your Dream home!

Perfectly positioned 673 m² block of land in the new part of plantation palms where the homes are being built right now, so everything surrounding you will be brand-new.
This is the perfect time to take advantage of all the grants from the first homebuyers or invest in an area that has massive growth.
Build your dream home right here.
Potential plans are available from several builders in town.
The block is square and flat usable land .

It’s one of the cheaper blocks in the estate at this present moment most blocks of land in the area. Selling over the 185 to 190 mark – grab your chance today.

Call Hayden Potts for an inspection on 0403 724 744.

Property Features
  • Land is 673 m²
Belair Goodrick