Lot 7 Pioneer Street, GLENELLA QLD 4740
It is quite rare to find a parcel of land that encompasses 40.5 acres (16.4 hectares) within the urban precincts, particularly one that features a dual street frontage, gentle topography, and extensive creek access.
This location offers an ideal topographical gradient towards the creek and is conveniently situated near various local amenities. It is within minutes of five primary and secondary schools, as well as the major retail area featuring Bunnings and Spotlight Centres. Additionally, the Mt Pleasant Shopping Centre is just a short drive away.
Property Features:
– 3000 gallon per hour equipped bore
– Electricity past the site
This property must sell as the family are starting to reset their position for retirement.
Contact Greg Chappell today 0408 775 810.
Property Features
- Mixed Farming
- Land is 40.50 acres